Saturday 24 September 2022




An occasionally rare, however welcome feeling.


This past year on the earth has involved a lot of staring into the abyss.

It has been taxing for me.

Uprooting from a comfortable (but ultimately unfulfilling) life to seek..something..has been fraught with many trials and tribulations.

Doubts, fears, insecurities and stress have accompanied along this path, like an ever-present transluscent spectre that finds infinite joy at periodically extending its foot in front of me.

It is to be expected though.


An unexpected destination, perhaps even a lack of a defined destination, whether that be metaphorical or geographical, will entail some navigational challenges.

You just have to crack on..

or I should say just need to crack on..

and, I am.

I sit here.. 

Leaning forward, in a perpetually damaging spinal posture, I am surveying my surroundings..

It can be quite peaceful being in a country that you do not speak the language.

You are free to observe..

And what do I observe at this sparsely populated beachfront bar?

Quite a lot.


There is a large, black, aggressive dog tied to a bar stool..

Every potential customer at this establishment is greeted with a display of dominance from this dog, it barks, growls and snarls, to the backdrop of early nineties techno (techno techno techno).


This year has been interesting..

When I think back to the winter, I was training.

I wasn't sure what I was training for.

But it kept me occupied..

Getting up at silly o'clock every morning to set up a tripod..

Noting down the exact time and position of the sunrise as it crept over the surrounding mountains..

It was a lot of work.


However I finally arrived.. 

At accomplishment.


While in pursuit of my creative goal, I had some well needed progression,



It was a great relief, after a year’s worth of seemingly never ending false starts, close calls and unclear avenues of opportunity..

The feedback I have received has been really positive. 

Thank you if you have taken the time to watch it..

Being where I am, it has taken and while, is still taking a while I should say, to readjust to my surroundings. 

This isn't meant culturally (at least not in this instance) it is meant in terms of what I do.

I now realise that it doesn't make sense to continue the same habits, especially if seeking different results. 

There is a time and place for everything and when it isn't the time or place, a lot of thought needs to go into where my attention lies and where it should be directed.

It's not an easy question as it isn't something you can really ask advice for. No one knows what you should be doing, how you should spend your time or which activities speak to you.

There are no magic words that can fix a situation,

So knowing this..

Where does one get the answers to questions of this nature?


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